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Rattie Goes To School
Robin Percival, A Clear Day, Blog, Derry, Prior's Court School, Kingswood School
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Rattie Goes To School

1 Comment
  • Robin Percival

    March 4, 2023 at 1:22 pm Reply

    A response from my contemporary Nick Wickham at Prior’s Court. “Very pleased to hear from John Roebuck and to read your Prior’s Court memories. It does come across as a rather rough place with a great deal of master-on-pupil violence. On reflection, I guess I was beaten on 2 occasions, once by GG Graham for talking out of turn (totally unwarranted and nasty), and once by Sammy, for the very good reason that I had covered his chair with chalk dust, so that at the end of the lesson when he stood up, the seat of his trousers was bright white. I had to own up, (although I think one rotter P…y may have snitched on me); Sammy asked me to come to his house that evening with a blackboard duster. – he then liberally applied chalk using this to my trousers, and then beat them clean with the back of a hairbrush. I must admit that I thought that demonstrated an excellent sense of humour and a proportionate response!.”

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